“There’s a CHAMPION inside all of us”


Getting run over by a car was just the start—after beating the odds physically, I had to face the mental obstacles that came next. Up until then, I knew all about pushing through with grit and determination, but mindfulness? That was new territory for me. Battling PTSD and slipping into depression wasn't easy, especially when I realized my dream of going pro in skateboarding was drifting away.

During all those moments in the hospital, and throughout my recovery, my prayers were pretty straightforward: I just wanted to get back on my skateboard, to feel that rush again, pro or not. I made peace with how things were turning out and got curious about the power of the mind. It amazed me, you know? How I could challenge what the doctors said about being wheelchair-bound for life, and actually get back to walking and skating. It was like unlocking a new level of belief in what I could do.

That belief led me down the path of exploring mental powers and mindfulness, way before it was a hashtag or something you saw all over Instagram. It took me a while to battle through depression and find my way out of a dark place, but I found guided light meditations that cured me of my negative thinking and healed me in so many ways.

I was all in, dedicating hours each day to meditation, and it transformed me. I wasn't just escaping my mental prison I was rebuilding myself. It was through this I had my moment of enlightenment, I felt the presence of God within me and my mission to serve humanity began. It made me realize my accident was no accident. It was a wake-up call to do something more. This divine redirection had to happen, to steer me towards a higher version of myself. That shift in perspective? It was everything.

From this state, I created MOTIV - an Action Sports brand that's all about giving back. Every dime we make goes right back into the community. It's about lighting that spark in others, helping everyone discover their own power to make a positive impact.

I started and scaled [Champion.Social] a digital agency worth over $5M. This was my first big success as an entrepreneur. And it didn't stop there. I've been building and scaling businesses like the Cure and ContentOnDemand to name a few.

I AM creating new streams of income but more importantly new outlets for impact and expression. Every endeavor I embark on is powered by my mission to elevate others.

Keep this in mind: The tougher the challenges we face on our journey, the more we grow through conquering them, and the deeper we dive into understanding our true selves beyond the facade of the MATRIX


Serial Entrepreneur

Mind Hacking Coach


